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Final Round of the Patent War, Samsung Should Pay How much to Apple?

broken image - Samsung lost in US court for infringing Apple patents. Currently, the court has determined the exact amount to be paid by Samsung.
Reported by Reuters on Friday (25/05/2018), the court in San Jose, California, decided Samsung should pay a total of US $ 539 million or equivalent to Rp 7.6 trillion at the current exchange rate.
The details of the fine are US $ 533.3 million (Rp 7.5 trillion) for design patent infringement and US $ 5.3 million (Rp 74 billion) for violating utility patents.
The decision was taken after court judgment with eight judges for four days. The trial was again led by District Judge Lucy Koh, who was familiar with the patent war between the two companies.
Samsung made a neutral statement on this issue, they called the court's decision in accordance with the Constitutional Court's decision to accept Samsung's argument over patent compensation, but they still considered all options before taking the next step
Meanwhile, Apple is grateful for this decision while adding the case is not solely related to money.

"We believe in the profound value of design, the case is more than just money, Apple is sparking a smartphone revolution with the iPhone, and a fact Samsung clearly mimics our design," Apple said in a statement.

Among Apple's designs emulated by Samsung is a patented form of device with a rectangular design, curved corners, and a black glass front view on the iPhone.

Got Invited to the Constitutional Court

Previously, Samsung just wanted to pay US $ 28 million (Rp 396 billion). According to their argument, not all of their Apple designs are imitating, so the only thing to be paid is the infringement of the imitated components.

In court in 2012, Samsung was sentenced to pay Apple a sum of US $ 1 billion (Rp 14 trillion). The amount was then reduced by judge Lucy Koh nearly half to US $ 548 million (Rp 7 trillion).

Samsung still does not accept and bring a court decision to the US Constitutional Court.

As a result, the constitutional justices agreed that Samsung's argument was true, and ultimately the case was returned to court for a compensation counting case.

However, Lucy Koh does not allow Apple and Samsung to bring new evidence, and will remain focused on previous court decisions.

Samsung is also imitated

Although accused of infringing Apple patents, apparently Samsung's display is also most often imitated.

Proven based on benchmark platform data, AnTuTu, Samsung and Apple are the brands most replicated by fake cell phone manufacturers.

Reported Softpedia, AnTuTu data shows Samsung to be a smartphone brand with the most products imitated. A total of 36.23 percent cloned smartphone in 2017 consists of Samsung brand.

In terms of mobile phone models, the European version of the Galaxy S7 Edge leads with a percentage of 4.94 percent. The Chinese version for the same model is in second place with 2.94 percent. Cloning Samsung Galaxy S7 sold in Europe is in third position with 2.81 percent.

The list of 10 most emulated smartphones based on AnTuTu data in 2017 is Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge (European version), Galaxy S7 Edge (Chinese version), Galaxy S7 (European version), Samsung W2016, iPhone 7 Plus, Samsung W2017, OnePlus 3T, Xiaomi Mi 5, Galaxy S7 (United States version) and Galaxy S8 Plus (Chinese version).
