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Fight against Fanaticism

broken image - Responding to the problem of growing fanaticism lately, Thursday (17/5/2018), Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) in the monthly Sweet Talk Café event held "Fanatisme" theme. The event held at the SoD (School of Design) Multifunction Room presented two speakers, Dr. Fransisco Budi Hardiman, Coordinator of History of Thought, one of the subjects at UPH's Faculty of Liberal Arts and Chandra Han, ST as Teachers College UPH lecturer. UPH sees that the many problems that occur because of fanaticism make us more alert and wise in facing this problem.

"Fanatism itself has a definition as a way of thinking, behaving, interacting, and powerful who believe in the absolute understanding of itself and impose its understanding to the environment," said Frans as quoted from the official news on the official website pages UPH. Fanatism can also be caused by several factors, such as parenting, environment, marginalization process, social change based on fanatical thinking. However, fanatics tend to thrive when there is an overly competitive interaction or want to win on their own.

Fanatism usually occurs in a pluralistic society or a different belief because of cultural choice. The theme of "Fanaticism" chosen in Sweet Talk this time is aimed at developing deeper ideas and understandings about fanaticism so that we are not easily influenced by others to get stuck on provocations and divisions.

Chandra and Frans provide tips for avoiding fanaticism. Frans conveyed, fanaticism can be eroded by enriching the experience of contact with various cultures and beliefs. Chandra saw the need for an approach of fanaticism requires enlightenment. Frans then added to invite everyone to respect each other's differences.