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5 Foreign Language Learning Tips Online

broken image - In the global era, English has become an absolute requirement that can not be avoided. Not just as a social language, English is also a requirement for those who want to pursue a career globally. Fortunately, online or online English learning is now widely available. There are many online language learning references that we can easily encounter in cyberspace.

"Online English learning is relatively cheaper, more flexible in terms of time and place, especially for working people or college kids whose time is limited," explained Siska Indah Pratiwi, Growth Manager Bahaso, a technology education company established since 2015. Bahaso itself is a interactive online multimedia learning platform that provides English and Mandarin online learning. Today's society, especially the millennial generation, can not be separated from the devices, Siska added.

In this, the use of internet devices and the internet for digital learning has a positive meaning and impact, he explained. However, the instant era does not mean English learning can be done in an 'instant'. It still takes the process until someone has mastered what he has learned. Here are some tips for learning English online can give maximum results:

1. Connection The first thing to note is the internet connection. Surely it will be very disturbing learning and also the spirit when the internet connection is disrupted. To test, the easy way can be by opening youtube. If not buffering means your internet connection is good

2. Dedication time Although online learning can be done anytime and anywhere, learning English online needs to keep taking the time specially. The goal is to stay focused and effective. Look for a comfortable place and can be anywhere. However, try to commit to the focus of study for at least 15 minutes. Do not get in the middle of the learning process tempted to peep at social media status or disturbed by doing other things.

3. Exercise "Listening" The use of Earphone or Headset devices in listening or "Listening English" exercises will help to focus more on learning. The "Listening English" exercise material can be selected as Bahaso offers using a native teacher or native English teacher to be more eloquent and confident.

4. Enable the "Spell Check" feature The "spell check" or "spell check" feature in device devices (gadgets) or laptops will be very useful in learning to reduce spelling errors. Also make a habit of recording a new word so it will add more English vocabulary. Be careful about learning English online through songs or movies. There are some songs or movies that override the grammar to make it sound better. For example, Justin Bieber's song "my mama do not like you" the correct grammar is "my mama does not like you". Train a good English grammar can actually be obtained through books or reading materials in English eg through ebook or article English.

5. Exercise and practice The key to learning English is practice and practice. The easiest way to do this is to find friends or talk online to practice engaging in English conversations.
