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When Child Fever, Allow Sleep in an Air-Conditioned Room?

broken image - There is no child prohibition that is fever should not sleep in air-conditioned room. Because, when the fever, the child's body weakness, sleeplessness, and no appetite. They are also easier to sweat. Therefore, the child should be in a cool and cool room for comfort.

Use of AC during sleep does not worsen the condition of children who are feverish. So it's fine to let the AC in the child's room stay on. However, it should be noted also temperature settings and other things for children comfortable but not getting sick.

Here are the things you need to pay attention to when using AC in a child's room, especially when they have a fever:

● Adjust the temperature well

Do not be too cold to adjust the temperature of the child's room air conditioner. Keep the room temperature cool, but not too cold.

● Avoid direct gusts to the child

If using AC, direct the wind in an indirect direction of the child. In addition, a gust of wind should not be too big.

● Clean AC regularly

AC can be a hotbed of dust and mites that cause allergies in children. If not routinely cleaned, over time even cause cough and cold allergies in children.

● Use timer

When the child is asleep, the AC should be turned off so that the child is not exposed for too long. You can use the timer or turn it off yourself.

As a parent, you should also be sensitive and actively reduce fever in children. Here are the ways you can:

Sleep Fever Children in a Cool Room
● Check periodic temperature with thermometer

Many parents do not have a thermometer and guess with the back of their hands if the child is having a fever. This is the wrong understanding.

When the child has a fever, you should measure the temperature of the child by using a thermometer. The child is said to have a fever if the temperature is above 37.5 degrees Celsius. This serves to see the pattern of child fever, the highest temperature and determine the treatment.

● Compress with room temperature water

You can help reduce fever by compressing. Use a compress with water room temperature or a little cooler, do not use warm water. The goal is to channel the heat from the child's body to the compress. Compress is also not only on the forehead of the child, but throughout the child's body, such as wiping the child's body.

● Provide a febrifuge at home

Always be ready if the child has a fever by preparing a febrifuge reserve. If the child's temperature is above 37.5 degrees Celsius, the child should be given febrifuge. Note the administration of this medicine to remember when you last gave the medicine to the child.

● Check the blood

If the fever lasts longer than 3 days and the condition of the child has not improved, you should take the child to the doctor for a blood test. It is important to look for the cause of the fever so that it can be handled appropriately.

If the child has a fever, it is fine to use the AC while sleeping. But of course, you still have to pay attention to the condition of the child and adjust the use of air conditioning in order not to make the fever worse.