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Obese People More Immune from Communicable Diseases?

broken image - A study says the chances of obese individuals are twice as likely to survive in the face of infectious diseases compared to people who weigh less. This paradox is at least evident in obese patients infected with pneumonia. They are 3 percent more likely to avoid death.

Reporting on the New York Post page, Monday (28/05/2018), research on obesity and survival from infectious disease infections that involve about 18 thousand patients affected by infectious diseases. The 18,000 patients studied the risk of death after 90 days out of the hospital.

The researchers found that patients with less weight were 2.2 times more likely to die from infectious diseases. While overweight individuals have a 40 percent risk of avoiding death. The percentage of survival of obese people seems to be higher, ie up to 50 percent.

The Danish researchers suspect that obesity can be an evolutionary way of survival. Unfortunately, this discovery has not yet been published.

While other studies are also studying pneumonia patients conducted in the US.

A study in China found that individuals who are overweight 2/3 times more able to survive than those who have normal weight.
